Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Find Out Reasons Why you Should invest in a St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship

St Kitts and Nevis is worth investing in for all the right reasons. A peaceful and serene atmosphere to live in, great natural beauty and many other opportunities for its citizens make it the perfect place to live today. The program of St Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment was put into effect in the year 1984 under the constitution of the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis. While you think of investing in this place to get a citizenship here, you should be aware of what you get in return for your investments.

Returns for your investments

Royal Beach Casino St. Kitts
Image Courtesy “pairadicetravel.com”
  • One of the best benefits that this place gives is a political environment that is very stable.
  • This place offers a good infrastructure be it the roadways, Air, Water, Electricity and others.
  • The literacy rate here is quite high that is almost 98%. Hence, you can get labor force here that can be easily trained.
  • St Kitts has a well advanced infrastructure for telecommunication.
  • One of the greatest reliefs is that you are not supposed to pay any personal tax here.
  • Direct flights from many countries make the air transportation very convenient here.

Benefits If You are a Businessman

St kitts and Nevis
Image Courtesy “farm3.static.flickr.com”

It is the financial capital of the whole Eastern Caribbean. Some of the major organizations that are based here are Eastern Caribbean – Securities Exchange, Eastern Caribbean – Central Bank, Eastern Caribbean – Regulatory Commission. This makes it the best place to do business. Moreover the financial sector here is well regulated. The government here is also friendly towards its investors. English being the major language spoken here makes this place homely to foreigners as there is no communication problem when you live here.

Government offers

Rawlins Plantation Inn, St Kitts & Nevis
Image Courtesy “www.thetraveleditor.com”

There are investment promotion agencies which have been created so as to assist investors to establish their business here. The incentive packages that are offered by the government are very lucrative. These include tax incentives, import duty exemptions, tax withholding exemption as well as export allowance which are given for investments that are qualified. There are many incubators for small business for all the business that is related to Information Technology. These and many other benefits that the government of this island provides make investors feel very welcome and important here as most of their needs are taken care of by the government if you have a St Kitts and Nevis citizenship.

St Kitts Coast
Image Courtesy “prycom.com” 

Address:- Belmont Resort Ltd PO Box 1208 A-10 Sands Complex Bay Road, Basseterre St. Kitts, West Indies.

Email – sales@kittitianhill.com

Tel:- +1.869.4661712

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How about knowing the basics of St Kitts Citizenship by Investment

There are many countries which have opted for giving citizenship to foreigners in their country on the basis of investments. This helps the government of the country to put such funds in the development of the country. St Kitts Citizenship by Investment plan is one such program. It is one of the oldest programs that have been run by the government.

Background of this program

Chrisrophe Harbour St Kitts

Image Courtesy “garyelliott.co.uk”

This program was established in the year 1984. To get a citizenship to St Kitts and Nevis, you need to contribute economically to the country. In return for this investment made, you as well as all your dependent family will be allowed the citizenship to this island. There are two alternatives available to those applying for a citizenship here.

Real Estate Investment Plan

 View of Nevis from St. Kitts

 Image Courtesy “accidentalcruiser.com”

The first option available for them is to make a investment of 400,000 US dollars in the real estate of that island. This investment should be according to the rules laid out by the government in the project that has been approved by them. You will be required to additionally pay for the government fees and taxes.


Sunbathers on Cockleshell Beach, St. Kitts

 Image Courtesy “caroundtheworld.com”

The second option that is given to the investors is by giving a donation in the SIDF plan. SIDF means Sugar Industry Diversification Fund. In this plan you will have to make a minimum investment of 250,000 US dollars. This amount stands true for a single applicant. But, this amount will include all the government fees. To get to know regarding the details concerned with the regulations of this law, you can have a look at the Citizenship Act, 1984, Part-II, Section 3 (5). Here all the provisions for the government to run such investment by citizenship programs are mentioned.

Requirements for St Kitts Citizenship by Investment

St.Kitts Island

Image Courtesy “at-communication.com”

If you plan to invest in the real estate approved projects of the government, then this may take some time depending upon the property that you have invested in. Secondly, you are not allowed to resell the property that you have invested in for a time period of five years. There are some new regulations that have been introduced in the year 2012.According to that, the next buyer of the property is eligible for citizenship in the island. You will come across the list of all the projects which have been approved by the government for St Kitts Citizenship by Investment program on the government website.

St. Kitts Majorettes Show
  Image Courtesy “i.ytimg.com”

To Get more information about St Kitts Citizenship by Investment please visit our website – http://www.kittitianhill.com/st-kitts-nevis-economic-citizenship/ or contact us sales@kittitianhill.com Tel:- +1.869.4661712. Fax:- +1.869.4652452 , Address:- Belmont Resort Ltd PO Box 1208 A-10 Sands Complex Bay Road, Basseterre St. Kitts, West Indies.

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