Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Find Out Reasons Why you Should invest in a St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship

St Kitts and Nevis is worth investing in for all the right reasons. A peaceful and serene atmosphere to live in, great natural beauty and many other opportunities for its citizens make it the perfect place to live today. The program of St Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment was put into effect in the year 1984 under the constitution of the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis. While you think of investing in this place to get a citizenship here, you should be aware of what you get in return for your investments.

Returns for your investments

Royal Beach Casino St. Kitts
Image Courtesy “pairadicetravel.com”
  • One of the best benefits that this place gives is a political environment that is very stable.
  • This place offers a good infrastructure be it the roadways, Air, Water, Electricity and others.
  • The literacy rate here is quite high that is almost 98%. Hence, you can get labor force here that can be easily trained.
  • St Kitts has a well advanced infrastructure for telecommunication.
  • One of the greatest reliefs is that you are not supposed to pay any personal tax here.
  • Direct flights from many countries make the air transportation very convenient here.

Benefits If You are a Businessman

St kitts and Nevis
Image Courtesy “farm3.static.flickr.com”

It is the financial capital of the whole Eastern Caribbean. Some of the major organizations that are based here are Eastern Caribbean – Securities Exchange, Eastern Caribbean – Central Bank, Eastern Caribbean – Regulatory Commission. This makes it the best place to do business. Moreover the financial sector here is well regulated. The government here is also friendly towards its investors. English being the major language spoken here makes this place homely to foreigners as there is no communication problem when you live here.

Government offers

Rawlins Plantation Inn, St Kitts & Nevis
Image Courtesy “www.thetraveleditor.com”

There are investment promotion agencies which have been created so as to assist investors to establish their business here. The incentive packages that are offered by the government are very lucrative. These include tax incentives, import duty exemptions, tax withholding exemption as well as export allowance which are given for investments that are qualified. There are many incubators for small business for all the business that is related to Information Technology. These and many other benefits that the government of this island provides make investors feel very welcome and important here as most of their needs are taken care of by the government if you have a St Kitts and Nevis citizenship.

St Kitts Coast
Image Courtesy “prycom.com” 

Address:- Belmont Resort Ltd PO Box 1208 A-10 Sands Complex Bay Road, Basseterre St. Kitts, West Indies.

Email – sales@kittitianhill.com

Tel:- +1.869.4661712

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How about knowing the basics of St Kitts Citizenship by Investment

There are many countries which have opted for giving citizenship to foreigners in their country on the basis of investments. This helps the government of the country to put such funds in the development of the country. St Kitts Citizenship by Investment plan is one such program. It is one of the oldest programs that have been run by the government.

Background of this program

Chrisrophe Harbour St Kitts

Image Courtesy “garyelliott.co.uk”

This program was established in the year 1984. To get a citizenship to St Kitts and Nevis, you need to contribute economically to the country. In return for this investment made, you as well as all your dependent family will be allowed the citizenship to this island. There are two alternatives available to those applying for a citizenship here.

Real Estate Investment Plan

 View of Nevis from St. Kitts

 Image Courtesy “accidentalcruiser.com”

The first option available for them is to make a investment of 400,000 US dollars in the real estate of that island. This investment should be according to the rules laid out by the government in the project that has been approved by them. You will be required to additionally pay for the government fees and taxes.


Sunbathers on Cockleshell Beach, St. Kitts

 Image Courtesy “caroundtheworld.com”

The second option that is given to the investors is by giving a donation in the SIDF plan. SIDF means Sugar Industry Diversification Fund. In this plan you will have to make a minimum investment of 250,000 US dollars. This amount stands true for a single applicant. But, this amount will include all the government fees. To get to know regarding the details concerned with the regulations of this law, you can have a look at the Citizenship Act, 1984, Part-II, Section 3 (5). Here all the provisions for the government to run such investment by citizenship programs are mentioned.

Requirements for St Kitts Citizenship by Investment

St.Kitts Island

Image Courtesy “at-communication.com”

If you plan to invest in the real estate approved projects of the government, then this may take some time depending upon the property that you have invested in. Secondly, you are not allowed to resell the property that you have invested in for a time period of five years. There are some new regulations that have been introduced in the year 2012.According to that, the next buyer of the property is eligible for citizenship in the island. You will come across the list of all the projects which have been approved by the government for St Kitts Citizenship by Investment program on the government website.

St. Kitts Majorettes Show
  Image Courtesy “i.ytimg.com”

To Get more information about St Kitts Citizenship by Investment please visit our website – http://www.kittitianhill.com/st-kitts-nevis-economic-citizenship/ or contact us sales@kittitianhill.com Tel:- +1.869.4661712. Fax:- +1.869.4652452 , Address:- Belmont Resort Ltd PO Box 1208 A-10 Sands Complex Bay Road, Basseterre St. Kitts, West Indies.

Other St Kitts Citizenship by Investment Related Posts:

Monday, August 27, 2012

St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship: The secret to visa free travel

When we think of investment, we all want to make it large. And it is very much true that money makes money. In today’s world you can even get a citizenship to some country if you have money. Now many people would wonder how money can buy citizenship. It is very simple. For example, you can get a St Kitts and Nevis citizenship, if you have enough money to invest in the programs that have been specified by the government of the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis.
St Kitts Citizenship by Investment can be the sweetest returns for your investments
Reggae Beach in the West Indies island St. Kitts
Image Courtesy “travelphotos.picturetheplanet.com”
Living in the 21st century, investments have become all the more important. You can get a citizenship to the island of St Kitts through the investment program that had been drafted by the law of that place in the year 1984. Under this law, foreigners are allowed to make investments in certain real estate projects of the island which has been decided by the government. In return of the investment that you make in the property of this country, you are benefited by getting the citizenship to this country, which is highly regarded by other countries.
How can a St Kitts citizenship benefit a businessman? 
St Kitts Photo
Image Courtesy “denisbider.com” 

Two things that you get by investing in the property of this island are:
  1. Dual citizenship
  2. Dual passport
A businessman values both the things. The investment that you make to the real estate is used by the government to develop the country. This beautiful island is so peaceful and serene that there would not be anyone on this earth would not love to stay there forever or at least make it a second home.
How about a visa free travel?

Banana Bay | St Kitts
Image Courtesy “st-kittsnevis.com” 
Apart from getting the benefit of living anywhere in spite of being a citizen to this nation, you get the benefit of traveling without a visa in all the European Union nations. You can travel and stay in most of such nations for 3 months within a period of six months. Every year the government of St Kitts is trying to incorporate more countries to its list of visa free travel list. It is a pleasure to do travel without the hassles of a visa for businessmen, as they have to frequently travel the globe for business deals. Thus, a St Kitts Citizenship is the gateway to do business in a better way for many people around the world.
St Kitts Botanical Garden in Basseterre
To get more information about St Kitts Citizenship by Investment please visit our website – http://www.kittitianhill.com/st-kitts-nevis-economic-citizenship/ or contact us sales@kittitianhill.com Tel:- +1.869.4661712. Fax:- +1.869.4652452 , Address:- Belmont Resort Ltd PO Box 1208 A-10 Sands Complex Bay Road, Basseterre St. Kitts, West Indies.

Other St Kitts Citizenship by Investment Related Posts :

Friday, August 17, 2012

St Kitts Citizenship by Investment can enhance your reputation

The government of Caribbean islands of St Kitts provides a wide range of incentives so that a lot of foreign investment is attracted to the islands. The 1984 law for citizenship of this island has stated the rules for getting a citizenship to these islands. Chapter VIII of this law of the Federation states that according to certain criteria, the citizenship to ST Kitts can be obtained through investment in this island. This citizenship is granted to the people applying for a citizenship only if they are able to meet certain conditions laid down by the government.

Come enjoy the benefits of having a St Kitts citizenship

 Image Courtesy “tripadvisor.com

All those who become the citizens of St Kitts are benefited of living in this place without having the burden of paying taxes.

  • Passports that are internationally accepted and valid are another added feature of this citizenship.
  • A reciprocal agreement was agreed upon by the Federation of ST Kitts and Nevis and the European Union in the 2009. They had mutually agreed upon a regime that is visa free travel to the EU countries. All the citizens can travel and live in the EU countries without having a visa for a certain time period which has been specified in the rules.

  • These benefits show the respect and the value of holding a ST Kitts citizenship.

    The basic requirements for St Kitts Citizenship by Investment

     Image Courtesy “stchristopherclubgroup.com

    There are basically two ways that the government has specified to get the citizenship:

    1. By purchasing a property which is approved by the government under the investment project. Even the areas for investment have been designated by the Federation which are under this scheme. They have even specified the purchase price and the minimum purchase criteria which is $ 400,000 USD. As per the rule you cannot sell off the property within a time period of five years from the date of investment.

    2. The second option that is available is a donation which is non refundable to the sugar industry. This is the SIDF (Sugar Industry Diversification Fund) plan.

    Additional Requirements of investment plan

    St. Kitts Marriott & The Royal Beach
     Image Courtesy “hotelchatter.com

    Other than the above mentioned things, there is a one time registration fee that is mandatory. This fee differs from the main applicant to the spouse. Even the children and any other dependent person have to pay this fee as specified in the rules by the government. There are a number of procedures that you have to follow and a local service provider would be of much help when it comes to handling the legal things.
    St kitts Hotels
     Image Courtesy “destination360.com

    For more information about St Kitts Citizenship by Investment please visit our website – http://www.kittitianhill.com/st-kitts-nevis-economic-citizenship/ or contact us sales@kittitianhill.com Tel:- +1.869.4661712. Fax:- +1.869.4652452 , Address:- Belmont Resort Ltd PO Box 1208 A-10 Sands Complex Bay Road, Basseterre St. Kitts, West Indies.

    Other St Kitts Citizenship by Investment Related Posts:

    Perfect Documentation Makes Getting a St Kitts Citizenship Easier

    St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship: Every Investor’s Dream

    St. Kitts Citizenship and Different Aspects of The Country

    Wednesday, August 1, 2012

    St Kitts Economic Citizenship Can Provide you a Dual Passport

    What is that attracts investors form all over the world to the beautiful islands of St Kitts and Nevis? Of course it is one of the best places to live in and is quite peaceful. But, investors are more interested in the St Kitts Citizenship by Investment run by the government of the place. They are attracted hugely to the dual citizenship and the dual passport that the Federation has to offer.

    Importance of the Place From Where the Passport is Issued

    St. Kitts Scenic Sugar train

    Image Courtesy "willgoto.com"

    It is a widely known phenomenon that the privilege and the importance of the passport you hold has a great influence when you travel abroad. If you have a passport that has been issued from a developing country, you will need a visa to travel most of the countries of the world. At the same time if you have a passport from a developed nation like the US or any of the European Union countries, travelling the globe is one easy task and many a times you even do not need a visa to visit many countries.  A passport obtained under the St Kitts economic citizenship is regarded very highly by other countries.

    Importance of a Dual Passport

    Sunset over Saint Kitts from Nevis
    Image Courtesy "oursurprisingworld.com/"

    The way you are treated when you have a dual passport is not a hidden fact. Apparently a St Kitts and Nevis citizenship gives you the liberty to have a passport of the Federation along with the passport of your native place. Thus you can travel all those countries where you were not eligible to travel before with your native passport. Visa free travel to many countries is another advantage of the passport of St Kitts and Nevis. There are many legal procedures which you will have to fulfil if you want a citizenship and a passport of this place.

    Procedure to Get a Citizenship

    La Valle Golf Course, St Kitts
    Image Courtesy "discover-stkitts-nevis-beaches.com"

    The islands of St Kitts and Nevis are having certain criteria that need to be fulfilled if you want to have a citizenship to these places. This place offers a citizenship if you can make a certain amount of investment in the government approved programs run there. If you very generously invest in the real estate of these islands, you become eligible to become a citizen there. The amount that needs to be invested in the real estate presently is $ 400,000. Secondly you can also donate in the Sugar Industry Diversification Fund of the Government.

    St Kitts...View from the top
    Image Courtesy "media-cdn.tripadvisor.com"

    For more information about St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship please visit our website – http://www.kittitianhill.com/st-kitts-nevis-economic-citizenship/ or contact us sales@kittitianhill.com Tel:- +1.869.4661712. Fax:- +1.869.4652452 , Address:- Belmont Resort Ltd PO Box 1208 A-10 Sands Complex Bay Road, Basseterre St. Kitts, West Indies.

    Other St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship Related Posts :

    St Kits Citizenship by Investment

    St. Kitts & Nevis Economic Citizenship Program

    Perfect Documentation Makes Getting a St Kitts Citizenship Easier

    Tuesday, July 17, 2012

    Get St Kitts Citizenship With Simple Procedure

    Getting St Kitts citizenship  is not a difficult task. It is a federal state. It is an island country. The process of getting citizenship here is not so difficult or lengthy. You just need to do some very simple procedures for the application and then you have to go for different programs as per you need. These programs are decided by the government of this country. Simple procedure is the best advantage you can have with this nationality. This place is still under development. Here in this article we are going to discuss some important things about this country and its st Kitts citizenship.

    Eastern Section Of Beach at Pump Bay St Kitts
    Image Courtesy "discover-stkitts-nevis-beaches.com" 

    Actually St Kitts is a under developing nation. For developing the state the government needs money. For getting this fund government has decided some programs for granting nationality through which they can get money to develop their country. They use this money for the development and creating more facilities so that they can attract more people for getting nationality or St Kitts citizenship for coming to visit this place.

    cable bay st kitts nevis

    Image Courtesy "barbadosdream.co.uk" 

    The government of this place has decided economic st citizenship programs. In this skim they will grant you their nationality with getting economic advantage from you. This economic advantage they will get for using them in creating facilities at this under developing place. The procedures of these programs are very easy and simple. You need to just give a simple application and then you have to choose your applicable plan and you will get what you want regarding citizenship.

    Chrisrophe Harbour St Kitts.
    Image Courtesy "garyelliott.co.uk" 

    The title of this topic will make you confused. Do not be confused. Here I am going to explain the meaning of it. Yes, you can get st Kitts citizenship  of this place just from investment. For this you have to invest some fixed or more than that amount of money here and you will be the citizen of this territory. You can invest your money in any business or any property. There are so many opportunities in the businesses. Sugar business is the main trade here. Even here you can get so many different luxurious properties. You can get anyone as per our desire.

    Fly direct to St Kitts with British Airways

    Now if we talk about the place St Kitts an island - itself them I can describe it in one word - a lap of nature. It is an island and here you can mark that you will not find so many crowds of people. Here you can see tropical mountains, long sea cost and deep rain forest. If you are a nature lover then you will love to visit this place and to live here. You can do so many different things in the atmosphere of natural beauty. You can have lots of fun here. You can relax in the luxurious properties with latest facilities. So just get the st Kitts citizenship by very simple procedure and get the chance to live with nature.

    Sunbathers on Cockleshell Beach, St. Kitts

    Image Courtesy "caroundtheworld.com/" 

    For more information about St Kitts Citizenship please visit our website – http://www.kittitianhill.com/st-kitts-nevis-economic-citizenship/ or contact us sales@kittitianhill.com Tel:- +1.869.4661712. Fax:- +1.869.4652452 , Address:- Belmont Resort Ltd PO Box 1208 A-10 Sands Complex Bay Road, Basseterre St. Kitts, West Indies.

    Other St Kitts Citizenship Related Posts :

    St Kitts citizenship – The Golden Opportunity For Investors

    St Kitts citizenship By Investment – A Rewarding ROI

    St. Kitts citizenship by Investment

    Monday, June 25, 2012

    Incentives and Requisites For St Kitts Economic Citizenship Investment

    The government of St Kitts and Nevis provides a wide array of incentives so that foreign investment is attracted towards procuring a St Kitts and Nevis citizenship.

    St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment!

    Types of incentives:
    • One of the incentives that the government of this country provides is based upon the citizenship law of this place. According to the law framed for citizenship of this country in the year 1984 and Chapter VIII of the Constitution of this Federation, it is possible to get a citizenship to this Federation on the grounds of St Kitts economic citizenship
    • There are certain conditions that one should meet while considering to get a St Kitts and Nevis citizenship.
    • The incentives that this place provides include certain tax exemptions on the money that is acquired from other countries. 
    • A citizenship to this country also has the advantage of gaining an internal passport from this place. 
    • A visa free systematic plan has been agreed upon by the Federation and the European Union in the year 2009. This is a reciprocal affiliation and proves the respect and authenticity of the program run. 
    • According to the above mentioned criteria, the citizens of this Federation can be there up to three months in the European Union countries within a span of six months without going through the hassle of applying for a visa. 
    St. Kitts and nevis citizenship by investment program

    Requisites for St Kitts economic citizenship:
    • There are dual options that are available to qualify as an investor who is applying for a St Kitts and Nevis citizenship:
    • The first is to invest in the purchase of property which should come under an approved project of investment. These investments should be done in those areas which are particularly allotted for this purpose in these two islands. The minimum purchase of the property must be 450 000 dollars and the property once purchased cannot be re sold within a span of five years. 
    • The second option that is available for investors is to donate a non refundable amount of 250,000 dollars in the Sugar Industry Diversification Foundation. This amount would vary according to the increase in the number of family members. 

    Apart from the above criteria, there is a registration fee that is to be paid which varies for the main applicant, the spouse and other family members. You can go through a local service provider if you are interested in applying for St Kitts economic citizenship investment.

    Get more information about St kitts and nevis citizenship please visit our website – http://www.kittitianhill.com/st-kitts-nevis-economic-citizenship/ or contact us sales@kittitianhill.com Tel:- +1.869.4661712. Fax:- +1.869.4652452 , Address:- Belmont Resort Ltd PO Box 1208 A-10 Sands Complex Bay Road, Basseterre St. Kitts, West Indies.

    Other St kitts and nevis citizenship Related Posts:

    Friday, June 1, 2012

    St. Kitts And Nevis Paradise Citizenship

    One paradise of two cities:

    One paradise of two cities, know more about the place and the rules if you are planning to have a St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship. These two cities are located near the Island. It is a federal two Island nations in western part of the country. The capital city of St. Kitts and Nevis is called Basseterre.

    St. Kitts and Nevis employ English as official language

    Investment program across the Globe:

    St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship was established in the year 1984 with a motive of long running investment program across the Globe.

    This wonderful invest program Introduced in 1984

    Substantial Contribution Made By government:

    The government of this country has made a substantial contribution for the development of the federation with the help of investment program to attract lot of people across the Globe to make their contribution by taking advantage of the cities banking regulations without any hassles.

    Nevis is more of a populated island than St. Kitts.

    Advantages of Citizenship:
    1. All the investors are given the opportunity to apply for the citizenship and obtain a passport of that country keep in mind all the rules and regulations of the guidelines of the Law and the Government.
    2. 2Any person across the globe can apply for this program and the most advantage of having a citizenship in two countries is the tax benefit they can obtain with this program. This tax solution is very useful for expatriates and a Global businessman's who can save lot of money with this program.
    3. We also have the offshore business principles which are initiated by the government of that city with a motive of principles of work in order to protect the assets, life and business of the people who are planning to invest in the country.
    4. These principles are followed strictly only for the protection of assets, life and business with all the guidelines of the law and government.
    5. Once you get a second citizenship along with the passport in the country, they also provide a tax free residency for you and for your family with all the benefits you can avail as a citizen of that country.
    6. A decade ago the government has also introduced "Economic citizenship program" and till now this program is attracting so many people, professionals, groups, expatriates and other individuals from all the countries in the world.
    Best Opportunity:

    This is the best and amazing opportunity for you to see and get to know more about how you can escape from the legal taxes from your home country and get a best new life style for you and your family with the help of this program.

    St Kitts and Nevis cruises can be enjoyed as part of vacations that stay

    Real Estate Investment in St. Kitts and Nevis:

    So what are you waiting for? The government has already made so many resources for land and real estate investment in St. Kitts and Nevis. By submitting all the documents as per the rules and regulations of the country you can get your new passport, citizenship and ID card (inclusive of the driver's license) with a visa free travel across the world in just two months from the date of submission of your application. So go now and grab the opportunity and enjoy all the benefits available with this program and get benefited to the most out of this.

    Participate In St. Kitts Citizenship Program

    Get more information about st kitts and nevis citizenship please visit our website - http://www.kittitianhill.com/st-kitts-nevis-economic-citizenship/ or contact us sales@kittitianhill.com Tel:- +1.869.4661712. Fax:- +1.869.4652452 , Address:- Belmont Resort Ltd PO Box 1208 A-10 Sands Complex Bay Road, Basseterre St. Kitts, West Indies.

    Other St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship Related Posts:
    1. Eligibility guidelines for St. Kitts and Nevis Economic Citizenship Program
    2. St. Kitts Citizenship By Investment – Earn a land
    3. St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship – Very Attractive Citizenship Program

    Saturday, May 5, 2012

    Saint Kitts And Nevis citizenship- Via Investment Plan

    The Saint Kitts and Nevis Citizenship via Investment Plan was instituted in the year 1984. This is the lengthiest program of this sort ever launched on the Earth. It has distinguished itself from a lot of other parallel plans by stiffly imposed investment prerequisites and punctilious due application processes.

    The Government authorities of St. Kitts and Nevis apply this plan to draw in capitalists of good temperament to make a significant input to the growth of the Federation. These capitalists are then provided with an option to submit an application for Saint Kitts and Nevis Citizenship and ID within the rigid rules of thumb of the law and the applicable rules.

    The CIU notifies the public that the exclusively authorized entity to advance, advertise or publicize the investment program in any method whatever is the CIU. The persons who are allowed to submit applications can be found on a list of authorized persons at their sites. The government takes it very seriously if there is a report against anyone with regard to fraud in the investment program.

    Other saint kitts and nevis citizenship Related Posts:

    Tuesday, May 1, 2012

    Become a Citizen of St. Kitts With St Kitts Economic Citizenship


    St. Kitts Economic citizenship is a means that permits alien nationals to turn to a citizen of an entering country, via a government patronized investment program.

    You have to apply either on behalf of yourself or your family consisting of an individual, spouse and 2 children who are dependant and not married. Who ever meets all the requirements will be provided with complete Citizenship By The Investment program. They will also be given a passport as well with the right to permanently live as well as work in the participating country. At present you will find only two states that are Dominica and St. Kitts & Nevis offering economic citizenship programs in the Caribbean Island.

    You will have to apply in an application form with a non-refundable fee of US$35,000 for a single applier in addition US$15,000 for each reliant, in addition a US$2,000 charge for a backdrop verification on any person who are included in the application and are more than 18 years of age. Apart from this you will also have to meet a legal fee which is in the region of US$15,000 for a St. Kitts Economic citizenship.

    Other St Kitts Economic Citizenship Related Posts:

    Monday, April 23, 2012

    Citizenship By Minimal Investment From St. Kitts

    St.Kitts citizenship by investment has been rated the top option for anyone who is looking forward for dual citizenship as well as passport. Benefits for a lifetime are what that is gained by taking this citizenship by investment which is irrevocable. They provide entry to main continents across the world without visa and also a passport with the privilege of travelling to many countries. This citizenship by investment also offers you an extra privacy and protection for your whole family.

    With this citizenship by investment program you get to live in world’s most beautiful and exotic location which you have never dreamt of. A complete tax free citizenship especially with no tax payments on important commodities is what St. Kitts offer for its investors. No need of any prior residences in the province and instant application process all makes this citizenship by investment the best. This program of investment is based and comes under the law that is guaranteed by the government. Enjoy the privileges of happy living with St. Kitts your ultimate location for citizenship by investment.

    Other citizenship by investment Releted Posts:
    1. St. Kitts Citizenship By Investment – A Wonderful Investment Program
    2. St Kitts Citizenship By Investment: Take Pride By Being A Member
    3. St. Kitts citizenship By Investment - The Best Investment Plan

    Thursday, April 12, 2012

    St Kitts Citizenship By Investment: Take Pride By Being A Member

    When it comes to be proud on something, we always have answers ready. Isn’t it so?  Then there is one more reason that can make you feel proud. Yes, it is St Kitts Citizenship by Investment. It is considered to be the one of the oldest citizenship program in the world. And this is enough for you to take pride on by being an investment member with minimum investment of US $400.000.

    This is a place where you can be with yourself and feel utter peace. The reason is its spa. Apart from that, you can enjoy your leisure time playing gold in an 18-hole golf course, tennis and other sports. 

    Moreover, it has been built keeping in mind the business opportunities based on a win-win approach. Once you become a member by investment, you are not required to have visa for around 100 first countries for travelling. And, you are exempted from income tax and wealth tax. Caribbean Sea adds beauty to this program.

    Other St Kitts Citizenship by Investment Related Posts:
    1. A Citizenship For A Price And An Investment
    2. St. Kitts Economic Citizenship – Enjoy Sustainable Luxury Life
    3. Feel The Joy Of Living In Land Of Paradise By St. Kitts Citizenship By Investment

    An Idea to Get Citizenship in St Kitts by Investment

    We all have heard about the saying called “an idea can change your life” however we are not talking about cell phones or anything. It’s an idea to get a citizenship in St. Kitts by investment. Now I will provide you a small introduction about the place and its beautiful historic places for those people who are not aware of it. It is located in the eastern Caribbean island. We provide the St Kitts Citizenship by Investment which means you will get dual citizenship, passport, identity, and license and world tour visa within a stipulated time period by investing certain amount in it.

    We have lot of site seeing places and historical ornaments which would mesmerize you with the beauty of the nature. There are lot of people who come to this place for vacation, business, trading and other purposes. The government has introduced the citizenship program over a decade ago which is still attracting lot of people to opt for the citizenship by investment. Investment on citizenship is fairly a very good option for those who are planning to settle in island after or before their retirement from the job. 

    Some of the beautiful site seeing places are Romney Manor, Church of the Immaculate Conception, The Government House, Fairview Great House & Botanical Gardens, Brimstone Hill Fortress, Old Treasury Building, Shadwell Great House, St. Kitts Sugar Factory and Compound, Berkely Memorial, Wingfield River and Water Works, Lodge Great House, Charles Fort, Cleverly Hill, Sandy Point, Georgian House, La Guerite Reservoir, Spooner's Ginnery, Carib Petroglyphs, Half Way Tree Village, Springfield Cemetary and Chapel, Belmont Estate Yard, Bloody Point, Old Road Bay, Half Way Tree Cistern, Independence Square, St. George's Anglican Church, The St. Kitts Scenic Railway Ltd. Etc and many more sites. 

    There are lots of advantages of getting a dual citizenship for a person like:

    The first and foremost benefit would be a drastic reduction in the payment of taxes, you can have tax free residence, you can keep your assets, life and business protected etc.

    You can invest in the form of donations, real estates, Government treasury bonds or charity donations etc.

    Processing of a dual citizenship passport is much easier when compared to other citizenship across the world and within a stipulated time.
    Most of the business people find it advantages in investing in real estates in that particular country.

    Investment in two countries would obviously give you a two way income from both the sides.

    By getting a dual citizenship they get an opportunity to work in both the environments with two different languages which makes them as an asset for that particular company.

    They also get lot of opportunities from both the countries and show case your talent and work in both the countries.

    These are the major advantages of having citizenship in St. Kitts by investment. We provide you with excellent guidance and service in processing of the citizenship. An idea to get a dual citizenship will always makes you happy and prospers for various other reasons.

    Get more information about St Kitts Citizenship by Investment please visit our website – http://www.kittitianhill.com/st-kitts-nevis-economic-citizenship/  or contact us sales@kittitianhill.com  Tel:- +1.869.4661712. Fax:- +1.869.4652452 , Address:- Belmont Resort Ltd PO Box 1208 A-10 Sands Complex Bay Road, Basseterre St. Kitts, West Indies.

    Other St Kitts Citizenship by Investment related posts :

    St. Kitts Citizenship By Investment – Earn a land

    St. Kitts Citizenship-By-Investment : A Sustainable Life-Style


    Friday, March 30, 2012

    St. Kitts Citizenship-By-Investment : A Sustainable Life-Style

    All over the world, people believe in investing in real estate. The sector is rewarding as well as there is high return. But there is a different kind of class they believe in royal living. St. Kitts Citizenship-By-Investment is can be a choice for the both of them. As it symbolizes life-style with grandeur. 
    This program is believed to be the oldest one in the world in investment. The government has established St. Kitts & Navis Economic Citizenship-By-Investment Program thinking about the overall growth of the region and the country. 

    Firstly to be a member by investment, you need to express your interest in CBI i.e. Citizenship-By-Investment. Also, there is a process in which you should sign a reservation agreement and a non refundable reservation deposit of US $10,000. This you are required to pay to the developer – Belmont Resorts Ltd. 

    But the real investment amount is US $400,000 that is of minimum value in St. Kitts & Navis in real estate. By being the investor, you will have lots of facilities available to avail.  I would like to make you aware about few of them.

    Once you acquire St. Kitts & Navis Citizenship-By-Investment, you will be wondered knowing about them. Yes it is true. You will gain access to move over 100 first countries with a visa-free travel. The greatest benefit you ever receive. Moreover, the income tax, inheritance tax and the wealth tax will be non-applicable for you. Also, you are not required to have a residency to get hold of citizenship. 

    Among the 100 countries, Canada, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and European Union countries are included. This program is expanded over 400 acres of land. St. Kitts & Navis is situated in the Leeward Islands of the Caribbean Sea. The most advantage of this place is that you can relish 12 hours of sunshine per day in average. 

    Moreover, St. Kitts & Navis Economic Citizenship-By-Investment offers alluring advantages to be its member. By being a member, you can share your moments with your family with registering membership for Golf course, Tennis and other sports like horse riding and mountain biking. They are adventurous in real sense. Just to let you know that the golf course if of 18-hole. 

     This program is fully open for any of the citizen of the world. Also, you are being offered a dual citizenship. What do you think about owing a fully well equipped house? Here you can find villas with luxurious pleasure, cottages with natural touch. 

    Apart from all these, fitness center, Beach club and Day Spa are there for taking care about your physical health. You can fully do recreation. No need to go anywhere. Just be there and Kittitian Hill will look after you providing charming services any man does want to have. 

    The specialty of this program is you can delight with world class cuisine. And the Caribbean Sea adds beauty to it with its luscious greenery. Aren’t these reasons enough to be a member? Kittitian Hill is one in its kind and you can’t imagine any other!

    Get more information about St Kitts Citizenship by Investment please visit our website – http://www.kittitianhill.com/st-kitts-nevis-economic-citizenship/  or contact us sales@kittitianhill.com  Tel:- +1.869.4661712. Fax:- +1.869.4652452 , Address:- Belmont Resort Ltd PO Box 1208 A-10 Sands Complex Bay Road, Basseterre St. Kitts, West Indies.